Start a New Project
When creating a project, you are guided through the process to enter the project name, company name, project type, project status, industry, specialty, seniority, along with project location details. Remember, these details can be edited after the project is created, too:
1. Begin by Navigating to the Projects section and click on the blue Let's Go! button at the bottom of your screen:
2. On the following page, populate all the fields. Any fields marked with a red asterisk are required. When you are finished, scroll to the bottom and click the blue Create button at the bottom-right corner to launch the project:
3. When creating a project, you will have the option to make the project Confidential and Internal. Click on the respective links to learn more about each setting.
Note: You can create projects of different types. Project types are a Pro Tier Feature that can be managed using the configure setting.
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