Research Criteria: Setup

Research Criteria Card
In the Research Criteria card, users can add, edit, and remove project specific research criteria questions. Each question has a title and a description (only the title is required). The description allows users to enter more context for the question if they see fit. Users can enter as many questions as they would like. There is no limit to the number of screening questions a user can add to a project.

Access the Research Criteria Card:
Select your project then click the "Position" tab. You will see the Research Criteria card

Add a Criteria

Scroll to the bottom of your list of your Criteria.
Click the "+Add Question" button

A new box will populate allowing you to add the Criteria. Once entered, click "Save". Your new Criteria will then be added as a line item within the Research Criteria Card. The questions will also appear in the Research Criteria modal in Grid View.

Copy Criteria from Projects

Similar projects with an established Research Criteria and be copied over to your current project.

Edit or Delete Criteria:

Scroll to the question that you would like to edit and click "Edit".

A new box will populate allowing you to edit the Criteria. Once complete, click "Save". You can also delete the criteria from your list by simply clicking "Delete". Please note that if If there are already ratings made against Candidates for that question, the ratings will also be removed.

Rating Overview

Learn how to Rate a Candidate  HERE

Once a Candidate is rated, these scores can be viewed in the following locations:
Candidate Panel Header within Grid View.

Long List (if Candidate has been selected).

Client Visibility
Users can make Research Criteria in the Position tab visible to clients.

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