Project Candidates View Overview

In this article, we will give you an overview of how the Project Candidates view is used and what it is capable of.

1. To access the Candidates view, click on the Projects menu item, find the project you are working on, and click the project title:

2. The Candidates view will be selected by default. If you are looking at a person’s profile from inside of a project, then you’re looking at their Candidate Record. This record will pull a good deal of contact & employment information from the person's Contact Record, but will only show you Notes and Files that are relevant to this project in particular:

3. Back on the Candidates view, you can View the Candidates list as a Client, export a number of Candidate or Project reports in either Word or PDF format, and view the entire list of candidates using the powerful Grid View feature. This is also one place where you can manually Add a Candidate:

4. Scrolling down to the Candidates list, you can see the Client Visibility toggle button in the bottom left of the image. Then, the date last updated, a color category feature, and a status selection menu. When you click on Show details, all of the rich information on that candidate will be shown. Click again to collapse the data:

5. Please see our other articles for more details on how to add a Candidate, view Candidates in the Grid View, exporting various report types, and searching for candidates.


Previous Article:  Project Internal View

Next Article:  Candidate Status Options

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