Custom Fields: Overview

The Custom Fields module allows you to add single select lists, multiple select lists, or text fields to Person records in your Clockwork Person Database. Any custom fields added to the Custom Fields tab of Firm Settings will display in the Custom Fields section of a Person record. 

Firm Users can add, edit, and delete custom field entries in the Person Record view, the Candidate Panel, and the People Panel. You can control the visibility of the Custom Fields in the Admin view of a Project and even set their default visibility in Project Visibility defaults in Firm Settings. 

Custom Fields are exportable in all reports that include Candidate Details. The field must be marked visible in Admin view for the field to be included in the report. Please follow the instructions below to see how to Add a Custom Field and also view where that customization appears within Clockwork.

1. Access your "Firm Settings".2. Click the "Custom Fields" tab. This is where you can add and manage all of your Custom Fields.

3. Click the "Add a Custom Field" button to add your customization.

4. Within the pop up window that appears, you will need to name your "Field" and select a "Field Type".

For Single and Multiple Select, enter each list option on it’s own row in the space provided. Single and Multiple Select lists can be added to the Project Dashboard as bar charts. Each bar chart includes a bar representation of the number of Candidates on the project with the specified quality. All candidates with no data added will be included in the “Not Identified” bar. All bars include a total count.

For example, notice below that I added "Gender" then selected "Single Select". I have also marked the Include on Dashboard setting.

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