People: Filters

Below is an overview of how to use Filters in the People View.

Clicking the People Search buttons on both ends of the view will open the Search and Filters Panel.

In the beginning, the three Filters near the search bar are the three most used Filters throughout Clockwork. Once you start to use People view more, the Filters will update to your most used Filters.

Once the panel opens, the preset amount of filters will display. Click the Filters button and a pop-up window will appear. You can select or de-select any filters you would like to be available for your search. Click "apply" when done.

Note: Skills is a Custom Field.

Boolean Filter Rules

Each Filter selected has an expanded search criteria within. Click on each Filter to view a pop up window with the additional search criteria. Users can select Boolean search type if additional filters are added. Once search criteria has been set click "Apply."

If the Boolean search is used on multiple People Filters, then "Show All Boolean Rules" hyperlink will appear to highlight the reason for the results by opening the Search People panel to display all selected Boolean Rules.

Boolean search types are AND, OR, NOT. 

Job Title

You can filter for Current, Past, Past, Not Current and Undated

  • Current: Current has a timeline which is ongoing OR  “Present” Has start date and no end date
  • Past: All job titles related to past; Not Current: Only previous job titles, Present job titles won’t be considered 
  • Undated: Has no date or timeline reference 

Please Note: Duration is a slider on a scale of 0-30 (Years). If Duration Slider remains unchanged, duration is not considered in return. 


You can filter for All, Current, Past, Past, Not Current and Undated relating to the desired Company record.

  • All - All potential candidates with the desired company in their Position card.
  • Current - No end date. Currently working for the selected company.
  • Past - Position has an end date in the Position card. No longer works for the selected company.
  • Past, Not Current - Similar to the "Past" option, except that it excludes people that are currently working for this company. This could be due to a title change or promotion within the same company.
  • Undated - The company is in the Position card but does not have a start or end date.

Company Date Option

Once the Company and time frame is selected, the Date options can help support the previous selections. For example, if Past is selected with "Clockwork" as the company then selecting a Start and End Date will help you pin point exactly where you want to find someone based off of when they worked at that company.

An additional example would be selecting Current. Once current is selected then using the date option for a start date will display results showing anyone that is working for the company between the start date and now. If you would like to find someone that has worked for a company in October of 2019 then the start date will help filter your results to find those people with ease.

Candidate Status

You can filter for Current , Current at Least, Peak and Peak at Least (these are effected by status order in Configure)

  • Current - Current status on active and closed projects.
  • Peak - Highest status attained. It is a status that they were at least at some point.
  • Current at Least - A candidate on an active project currently with at least X status or higher
  • Peak at Least - A candidate on any project, active or closed, with at least X status or higher. 

On Project

Filter on any Project

Click the Boolean (+) to display the boolean operands:
On Project, Candidate Status, Candidate Rank, Candidate Rating


Filter by Project Tags. Search for Multiple Tags by using the boolean operand (+).


You can filter for Has Email, Has Phone Number, Has Resume, Has DNC, Has LinkedIn, Is a Firm User, Is a Client and Has been Enriched. Once filtered by select setting, you can choose to toggle Yes/No for your search.

By toggling the switch to No, you can locate all the people that do NOT have the item in focus. For example, all the people without DNC.


Filter by the Relationships Status used in a candidates person record.
Filter for Overlapped With, Knows, Indirectly Manages, Indirectly Managed By, Directly Manages, Directly Managed By, Friend Of, Partnered With, Managed, Managed By, Referred and Referred By.

Use the People dropdown option to find people from your database and lookup a desired person and their relation.


Filter for a pre-selected date range or Custom date range. Filter for Person Created, Person Updated, Last Import, Last Note Update, Last Candidacy.


You can filter your search by the Region of candidates.


Filter by Location. Type in Location and click Enter/Return to create pill then click "Apply".


Users filters produces results based off of the following criteria:

  • People that the selected user has imported.
  • People that are the context when a user creates a Task.
  • When a user is the author in a person/candidate note.
  • When the user is the creator of any candidate associated with a person.

Note Type

You Filter by desired Note Types and pin-point a specific note using the User drop-down and date feature. All areas are required fields.


Filter by desired Compensation ranges of the Firm and/or the Candidate. 

The Bonus can be altered by Percentage and Cash.
The Equity can be altered by  Percentage, 
Cash and Share.


Rating Value is a slider on the scale of 0-5, related to the Research Criteria inside of your Project.

  • Unweighted Average: Filters for matching unweighted averages for candidate ratings across all projects
  • Weighted Average: Filters for matching weighted averages for candidate ratings across all projects

IF On Project filter is active, filtered results will display records on the selected project with the selected rating value option on any project.

Candidate Rank

Ranking Value is two numerical entry fields that reflects the Rank Number inside of your project.
IF On Project filter is active, filtered results will display records on the selected project with the entered ranking value option on any project.

Custom Fields

You can Filter single select or multiple select PeopleCustom Fields by selecting the custom field from the filter selection modal. Once the field is available to you, you select any possible field value or "(Blank)". Selecting Blank allows you to find all the people that do not have a value for that specific custom field.

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