Access and Use Analytics

Please Note: 
This feature is available to our " Pro" tier level firms. If you are interested in upgrading to "Pro" please contact support!

Analytics that consist of activity reports are a collection of powerful reporting options that let you see activity by users, per project, and through notes across your entire account. Having quick and easy access to these reports have proven to be beneficial in terms of evaluating your firm's systematic processes.

* The Analytics Menu is only available to those in the  Partner and Admin User roles. Recruiters do not have access to this information.

Accessing the Analytics Menu

Once your account Admin has turned on the Analytics menu, you will see it in the lower right corner of your main menu selections:

1. To access the Analytics menu, simply head over to the Analytics option on the left-hand side menu and click it.

2. You will be taken to the Analytics page where you will find the different kinds of reports available to you as a user. You can learn more about all the available reports by checking out the links below.

  • Note Activity - You can find the note activity created by users here. This includes all Note types plus uncategorized notes.
  • Note Timeline Report - You can find the aggregated note activities across Objects created by users here. Objects include Candidates, Deals, People, and Projects.
  • Project Activity - You can find the project activity by users across Projects here. This includes Candidates Added, Candidates Removed, Status Changes, and Project Creation events.
  • Note Object Report  - You can find the Note Activity across Objects here. This includes Candidates, Deals, People, and Projects.
  • Import Activity - You can find the Contact Import Activity by users here. This includes all Contact import types: Contact Import, Manual, Resume, and CSV.

Using the Analytics Feature

You will notice that all the available reports have a similar user interface, so in this section, we are walking you through the basics and how to use them. Make sure to also check out the separate articles for each of these reports, which will include an in-depth look at the available options.

1. Click on one of the reports available. For this example, let's take a look at Note Activity.

2. This is your Note Activity page. On the upper-right corner of the screen, you will find three drop-downs [1]. These drop-downs will enable you to customize your report and make it as specific as needed. You can choose between Users, Roles, and Time Frames. When you make changes on these drop-downs, the chart [2] will refresh and show you the report as you requested.

You can then download your custom report by clicking this download icon [3] on the lower-right corner of the screen. Clicking this icon will open up a small window.

Scroll down a bit and you will find a table [4] where you can find an even more detailed report in the table format which you can download as well as a CSV file. You will also notice that you are able to scroll sideways to see all the available columns. The number of columns varies from one report to another. Additionally, you can also click the title of each column to sort the numbers from highest to lowest or vice versa. 

* Please note that all tables within Analytics defaults to a descending sort order.

3. Upon clicking the download icon, a small window will appear. Here, you can select the file format for the chart, and you can also select CSV [1] to download the table below the chart. Once you have ticked the appropriate options, click download [2].


Firm Settings: Gong Report

CSV Report Exports

Why didn't I receive the report I expected?

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