On-Demand Person Enrichment

The Clockwork On-Demand Person Enrichment Integration uses Nubela to connect your Firm Database with LinkedIn Public Profiles. You can use this integration to update candidates records one by one or in bulk. Reports for the total records updated over any period of time are found in the Integrations tab, in the Nubela Integration Section, under the Integration Report header.

Profile Data retrieved includes: 
URL, Person Avatar,  Name, Summary Title, Headline, Bio, Country, Location, Positions, Education

Individual Profile Enrichment

On-Demand Person Enrichment (OPE) is a manual function that requires you to update the record in People View in the Person Panel, inside of a Project: Grid View inside of the Candidate Panel

The following example displays how to update a record individually.

Please Note: If a person record has multiple URLs, the OPE will attempt to pull from the Preferred option inside the record. A correctly formatted URL is required and the URL must be a publicly accessed URL.

At the Project level Status Report, Long List, and Grid View panels have the ability to enrich the record in the header.

Bulk Profile Enrichment

On-Demand Person Enrichment (OPE) also provides the ability to bulk update records all at one time in People View and Grid View. Select all of your desired records and select “Update Profiles”.

Bulk updating records is also accessible at a project level, inside of Grid View. The best case example for this is uploading an out dated CSV file into your project and clicking "Select All" and updating all records at once.


In the Firm Settings: Integration Tab (Admin or Partner Role Only) users can click the “Total Records” count in the Integration Report to view a filtered view from Nubela providing the updated or skipped records .

Skipped: Records that have no updates in LinkedIn or no LinkedIn URL in their profile.

The Integration Report has two filters: Type or Enrichment and Date.

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