Companies: Filters

Below is an overview of how to utilize the Company Filters inside the new Companies view.

The number of displayed filters at the top panel is limited. IF more than 3 filters are selected by the User, the System will display the 3 most used filters at the top of the page and the rest in the side panel. Filter display is organized by count of entries in DESC order. 

The selected filters can be saved as your Default options to appear at the top of the screen, so you do not have to open the Panel to select your most used Filter options.


Each Filter selected has an expanded search criteria within. Click on each Filter to view a drop down with the additional search criteria. Once search criteria have been set click "Apply."


Users can search and multiple select Tags using AND/OR pill.


Search and multiple select Specialty regarding desired company.


Filter by the Region area of Companies by using the Search and Multiple Select drop down.


Filter for a pre-selected date range or Custom date range.
Filter for Created At, Updated At, DNC End Date
, Note Created Date, Note Updated Date, Payment Due Date, Payment (Made) Date, Founded On.


You can filter by the selected Industry for each Company by using the Search and Multiple Select drop down. To add an industry to a company, you can select that focused company in the Add Company panel and edit its record there. 


Users can search and multiple select Investors.


Users can filter by Company Status. Status is Firm Specific Status. To update your firm's company statuses, follow these instructions in the Configure article. Default values are Prospect, Active, and Inactive. 


You can filter for Has Confidential Project, Active Project, Active Deal, Document, NoteDNC. Once filtered by select setting, you can choose to toggle Yes/No for your search.

By toggling the switch to No, you can locate all the companies that do NOT have the item in focus. For example, all the companies without an Active Project.

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