
This section offers a more full description of data field nuances. All data fields that can be imported are set forth in our Data Import 

Here’s a full data dictionary with specific column headers accepted by the import process: Data Import Dictionary


Field Description
Address  All (physical) address fields are free form text.  

Address fields are handled: 

Columns accepted: 
Business Street, Business Street 2, Business Street 3, Business City, Business State, Business Postal Code, Business Country, Home Street, Home Street 2, Home Street 3, Home City, Home State, Home Postal Code, Home Country, Other Street, Other Street 2, Other Street 3, Other City, Other State, Other Postal Code 

Region: Should be tied to a type of address (a larger city that is recognized e.g. Oakland, as being part of the Bay Area) 

Mapping Zip to Region: zip codes are referenced to update the region. If the zip code provided in the import does not map to a region value, then the region field will not be populated.

Email Allows N number of emails
LinkedIn URL This is a unique value within Clockwork. the LI URL must conform to the LI URL standards. If it does not, the value is added to a website value. 
There can be more than one LI URL associated  to  a single person record.
Name The Name field is the only field that is required to process an import file into Clockwork. The First Name, Middle Name, Last Name fields are concatenated (condensed) together into a single name string during the import process.   

Full name as a single field in "First Last" format. 
If you have the name in the format of “Last, First" format, it will need to be reformatted to the “First Last” sequence 
Phone Numbers Must be in a phone number format. 
All formatting text such as parenthesis and dashes are excluded from the data that is imported. 
Only numbers are imported. 
Extensions can be identified with an 'ext.' or 'x' value. 
Position The contact can have multiple current positions. Only the most recent position is considered the summary position.  Positions can be sparse (Title at no Company). Multiple positions and education entries can be included in a single row (record) for a single contact. 

Only one position can be marked preferred. A source file can only have one preferred position within the source data per contact. If this value is set to "Yes", then the preferred flag on the target contact record's position will be updated. 


Field Description
  • Currency defaults to USD
  • Compensation_Salary:  Number Field
  • Compensation_start_year:  YYYY
  • Compensation_end_year: YYYY
  • Compensation Bonus:  number
  • Compensation_bonus_type: cash (default) or percent
  • Compensation_equity:  number
  • Compensation_equity_type: default to percent
  • Compensation_description:  description field (THIS FIELD SEEMS TO BE REQUIRED WITH ALL COMP related fields - it can be empty, but it must be present)
External_ref   External identifier for a contact. Unique identifier for a person. Once associated  to  a person_id, can be used to update or reference that person in the future.  It allows for supporting multiple records (rows) of data for the same contact.
Person id Clockwork's unique identifier for all contacts. Assigned when creating a contact. 
If included in the import file, it will associate the contact to project as  candidate . If a person is already on the project as  candidate , then .csv will update the candidate record
Position The contact can have multiple current positions. Only the most recent position is considered the summary position.  Positions can be sparse (Title at no Company). Multiple positions and education entries can be included in a single row (record) for a single contact. 

Only one position can be marked preferred. A source file can only have one preferred position within the source data per contact. If this value is set to "Yes", then the preferred flag on the target contact record's position will be updated. 
Tags Tag values. Tags can be included with N values (tags 1, tags 2, tags 3). 
Multiple tag values can also be included in a single cell. Each value is separated by a semi-colon ( ;) value  within the same cell. 

Tags should not include commas and other special characters. 

Each tag value must be less than 25 characters long. tag value exceptions (tags too long) will cause the entire contact record to be excluded from import. 
Work History job title - this is used if there is no other position information or for a single position record.   

Only one position can be marked preferred. A source file can only have one preferred position within the source data per contact. If this value is set to "Yes", the preferred flag on the target contact record's position will be updated. 


Field Description
Importing Notes note_timestamp:   optional: date the note that is imported (format yyyy-mm-dd) 

Timestamps can be included   to   notes with the following headers:  note_category, note_1_category, note_2_category, note_3_category, etc. and cell values in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Note Text included related to a contact.  Allows N number of notes:  Note 1, Note 2, Note 3, etc

If note text is included in the import file, then the attachment is uploaded and associated  to  the note that is created, rather than directly to the contact record. 

The note text will be related to the contact record. If project_id is included, then the note will be associated to a candidacy (combination of person and project)
Note Category You can also include multiple note categories with: 
headers   note_category,note_1_category,note_2_category,note_3_category, etc. where cell values include the following:  


Field Description

The import process needs some way to identify an existing contact in Clockwork or have enough contact information in the source file to create a contact to reference in the candidacy information. A contact can be created with as little as a Name column. If a unique identifier is used (person_id, external_ref, email, LinkedIn URL) and an existing contact is found with this value, then the candidacy will be related to the existing candidate.

To import candidacy information, some identifier for a person must be included in the source file. 

Fields that can be included:
  • project id:  references an existing project ID. This field is required if the contact is to be associated with a candidacy
  • candidate_status: populates candidate status value. Must be an existing candidate status value (which are configurable by the firm)
  • color_category:  populates color category of target candidacy
  • candidate_rank:  integer - rank the order of the candidates
  • stoplight_status:   visibility setting for the candidate. Options are "red" and "green". If "green", the candidate is visible to clients. 

Candidate Status

Populates candidate status value. Must be an existing candidate status value (which are configurable by the firm).
If the candidate status value is excluded from the source file, then the default value for the candidate is 'Research'

If this field is not provided (no column), if the cell is blank, or the candidate status value does match Clockwork status values, then the default value is used.  The default value for all candidate statuses is 'Research'.
Color Category:  Candidates are often color-coded to visually tag them. Your candidates can be categorized as such by adding a  color_category header. Color category values are typed out in words and include none, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, teal, purple.
  • Currency defaults to USD
  • Compensation_Salary:  Number Field
  • Compensation_start_year:  YYYY
  • Compensation_end_year: YYYY
  • Compensation Bonus:  number
  • Compensation_bonus_type: cash (default) or percent
  • Compensation_equity:  number
  • Compensation_equity_type: default to percent
  • Compensation_description:  description field (THIS FIELD SEEMS TO BE REQUIRED WITH ALL COMP related fields - it can be empty, but it must be present)
Position The contact can have multiple current positions. Only the most recent position is considered the summary position.  Positions can be sparse (Title at no Company). Multiple positions and education entries can be included in a single row (record) for a single contact.

Only one position can be marked preferred. A source file can only have one preferred position within the source data per contact. If this value is set to "Yes", then the preferred flag on the target contact record's position will be updated.
Project id References an existing project ID. This field is required if the contact is to be associated with a candidacy.
Stoplight Status: 

This value determines if the candidates are visible to your clients and can be designated by adding the stoplight_status header and setting the cell values to "red" for not visible, or "green" for visible. 
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