Clients: Confirm Activation

If you have invited a client to a project, you may want to know whether or not that client has activated their account by accepting your invitation. We will show you two ways to check on your client's activation status in this article:

Check Client Activation on Profile Page
Check Client Activation on Project Page

Check Client Activation on Profile Page

1. Start by navigating to your Profile page by clicking on the circle with your image or initials in the top-right corner, then click on Profile in the menu that appears:

2. Once the Profile page loads, click on the Clients tab and click on the Edit button to view more details about that client:

3. On this page, you will see their current activation status under their role as a Client:

 Check Client Activation on Project Page

4. Another method of viewing your clients' activation status is through the Project page. Navigate to that page by clicking on the Projects menu option, then find the project you are working on and click on the project title:

5. Inside the Project, look to the right side to see a list of Clients that you have invited. Hover over each client avatar, you will see their activation status text:

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