Email Integration: What is it?
The Clockwork Email Integration tool targets the communication of users and prospects alike, and transforming your recruiting process through a clear, easy-to-use communication medium: emails.
Users configure their email address with Clockwork, and they can then send and receive emails using their preferred email client.
All emails you send to and receive from a Person Record in the Clockwork database will be saved in their emails tab, so you can access and read them anytime. Emails must be sent to a person in the firm and to an email noted on the person record.
Users must have a folder labeled inbox in their email for the integration to sync properly. If there is no inbox the integration will not catch incoming mail.
*This flowchart describes the process in which Clockwork captures emails.
*Note: Clockwork has an automated 2 Hour fetch for emails to show in the person record "Emails" tab. The 2 Hour capture updates with the date and time stamp not from the time the email has been sent.
Other users in your firm will also be able to view these email messages, so you will be able to work in a more cohesive way.
Simply head over to the person’s email tab, and you will be able to view all emails sent to and received from this person.
Clicking on an email will open it up in the preview panel.
Search Email Messages without the Spam. As a project grows, conversations become lengthy, and data can become hard to manage. It’s important to quickly locate key conversations so you can recall what was said to whom, when, and in what context. With the Email Integration, all your email conversations can be accessed through Clockwork’s powerful search features. Your search can be restricted to just the conversations with the person in question so you don’t get hundreds of useless results by searching your whole business inbox.
Seamless email integration that automatically captures email conversations and updates executive recruiting candidate profiles with the relevant conversations in real time.