The Check In: Client Collaboration Using Clockwork

In case you missed it, DaMarr Eagles from Clockwork’s Support Team, joined us on “The Check-In” (a monthly webinar for Clockwork users) to show us all of the different ways to use Clockwork to collaborate with a client throughout the lifecycle of a search.

Here is what we covered this time on “The Check-In”:

  • Longlist and Status Report - how to showcase your work to clients in Clockwork
  • Where and how to invite a client to a search project.
  • How to check your work and preview what your client will see
  • Turning off visibility settings and controlling what clients can and cannot view.
  • Project Dashboard updates

If you have any additional questions about the Check-In or to provide training for your team, feel free to contact us at

Thanks for Checking-In with us and see you next time!

If you missed past episodes of the Check In you can watch them all here

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