Deals: Pendulum Email

Deals’ pendulum mail hook allows you to send an email to a contact and have a copy of the email automatically saved as a note on the Deal.

Users will have to navigate to the Deals page and click on the desired Deal.

Inside of the deal, click Show details in order to see the Pendulum Email.

As the details expand, the Pendulum Email will be present. *Please Note: Each Deal has its own Pendulum Email.

To use pendulum within Clockwork

Now that you have the Pendulum Email identified. Copy the email and go to the Person Record of the Target Person you desire to email.

Click on the email in the Contact Info tab. Your email preference will open in a new tab. Place the Deals Pendulum Email in the BCC.

Note: Multiple attachments can be added to the email, including PDF documents. The attachments will show in the notes section of the Deal as well.

Once that email is sent then Clockwork will capture that email and add it to the notes section of the Deal.

Deals Pendulum Email Rules:

  • The email will only reflect in the notes section if the “To” is on the Targets list. 
  • The email will NOT reflect as a note if it is sent to someone outside of the Targets List.
  • Removing a Target Person from the Targets list will also remove any notes associated with them.
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